the product phase
product vision
The vision is the heartbeat of your product, it is what you are making, reduced down to its core essence. Our customers find it absolutely invaluable when making difficult decisions about design and implementation of their products—all the way from concept to shipping.
Our role is to facilitate you in nailing a precise product vision. We do this by moderating what usually proves to be an intense session, where we help our clients to clarify just what their product vision is.
We always observe that creating this enables everyone in the team to focus on what it takes to achieve the goals that they themselves have set for their product. It is expressed as a concise, sharp, vision statement.
‘Krita is a KDE program for sketching and painting, offering an end–to–end solution for creating digital painting files from scratch by masters.
‘Fields of painting that Krita explicitly supports are concept art, creation of comics and textures for rendering.
‘Modelled on existing real‐world painting materials and workflows, Krita supports creative working by getting out of the way and with snappy response.’the product vision of the open source application Krita; read much more about its creation in our blog
Having a complete functionality overview of your existing or future product makes designing and creating so much clearer and easier to manage. A deep understanding of the functionality, in conjunction with the project vision and user scenarios, is a prerequisite to develop the interaction concept and helps to prioritise the production process, amongst other things.
Compiling, right‐sizing and maintaining the list of functions—completely separate to the user interaction—is an important part of the product phase, and one which we can only undertake in partnership with our clients.
user scenarios
Creating user scenarios gives you a map of the essential use of your product: the depth and variety of your users’ activities and the impact your product vision has on them. The scenarios themselves are narratives which express archetypal use by your core users. They are a compact tool that will guide evaluation throughout the rest of the project.
expert evaluation
A sharply focussed picture of the current situation; all available resources and information, and how this compares to where their product needs to be, empowers our clients to make decisions confidently.

Knowing the ultimate goal through the product vision, the functionality involved and guided by the scenarios, we evaluate all existing information at our disposal. This can be existing ideas, plans, prototypes and products; as well as an analysis of your competitor products. The conclusion of the evaluation naturally segues into the design stage.
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